Kotlin utilities for Quilt mod development
class TickerContext<T : BlockEntity>(world: World, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, blockEntity: T, tickerRef: WeakReference<TaskTicker<T>>)
Additional task context providing arguments the current BlockEntityTicker was called with.
Additionally, allows access to schedulers of this ticker on other block entities of the same type T.
TickerContext | [jvm] constructor(world: World, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, blockEntity: T, tickerRef: WeakReference<TaskTicker<T>>) |
Name | Summary |
blockEntity | [jvm] var blockEntity: T the BlockEntity being ticked |
pos | [jvm] var pos: BlockPos the BlockPos of the block entity |
state | [jvm] var state: BlockState the BlockState containing the block entity |
world | [jvm] var world: World the World containing the block entity |
Name | Summary |
findScheduler | [jvm] fun T.findScheduler(): TaskTickerScheduler<T>? Retrieve the scheduler on the receiver BlockEntity belonging to the current TaskTicker. |