Kotlin utilities for Quilt mod development
Name | Summary |
TaskTicker | [jvm] class TaskTicker<T : BlockEntity>(config: TaskTickerScheduler<T>.() -> Unit) : BlockEntityTicker<T> A type of TickingScheduler suitable for use as a BlockEntityTicker for entities of type T. |
TaskTickerAction | [jvm] typealias TaskTickerAction<T> = TaskContext<TickerContext<T>>.() -> Unit |
TaskTickerScheduler | [jvm] typealias TaskTickerScheduler<T> = TickingScheduler<TickerContext<T>> |
TickerContext | [jvm] class TickerContext<T : BlockEntity>(world: World, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, blockEntity: T, tickerRef: WeakReference<TaskTicker<T>>) Additional task context providing arguments the current BlockEntityTicker was called with. |
Name | Summary |
taskTicker | [jvm] fun <T : BlockEntity> taskTicker(config: TaskTickerScheduler<T>.() -> Unit): TaskTicker<T> Creates a TaskTicker and configures its TickingScheduler with the config action. |